Patient Name: Mary

Procedure: Broken Foot

Provider: Dr. Degnan

Location: Sentara Martha Jefferson

I twisted my foot and was having trouble walking. I iced it and elevated it for two days but finally relented and went to the MJ ER. They x-rayed it, diagnosed that a bone was broken, and referred me to Ortho-West and Dr. Gregory Degnan.

Dr. Degnan was outstanding. He explained exactly what as broken, even showing me the x-ray and explained the appropriate treatment, which included wearing a boot 24/7. He was very practical yet realistic and took as much time as I needed. He encouraged me to keep very active so that I did not get the “Dwindles!” I understood immediately.

My next appointment was a month later. The bone had healed so I would not have to wear the boot 24/7 but he told me what to expect, which included soreness for quite some time as the area around the bone was traumatized.

It is now two months since my injury and I no longer need the boot and am walking two miles every morning. While there is still soreness, it is decreasing every week. I am very appreciative!