Patient Name: Sabias

Procedure: Knee Surgery

Provider: Dr. Matthew Panzarella

Location: Sentara Martha Jefferson

In July of 2017, I was a rising junior at Charlottesville High School (CHS) and preparing to enter what would undoubtedly be the most important season of my high school football career. But it all came to a screeching halt when I tore my meniscus during drills, just a week before camp.

Fearing my season was in jeopardy, I turned to the CHS team doctor, Matthew Panzarella, who is also an orthopedic surgeon and sports medicine specialist at Sentara Martha Jefferson Orthopedics.

Dr. Panzarella informed me I would need surgery to repair the meniscus, the small segment of cartilage that pads the space between the femur (thighbone) and tibia (shinbone). After a careful review of my condition, the decision was made to delay surgery so that I could play through the season, and Dr. Panzarella ordered a specialized brace that would take some of the force off my torn meniscus. In addition to wearing the brace, I worked with an athletic trainer to strengthen the muscles around the knee.

Under Dr. Panzarella’s care, I was able push through the torn meniscus for my best season yet! I was selected as a first-team Jefferson District and second-team all-region pick, rushed for more than 1,200 yards, and scored 27 touchdowns.

Following the season, Dr. Panzarella performed the meniscus repair procedure on my knee in early December. The surgery went well, and I missed only a few days of school. I then started physical therapy in early January and, soon after, was even able to start light workouts with my team.

Everyone at Sentara Martha Jefferson was wonderful throughout the entire process and I’m eternally grateful to Dr. Panzarella and his team.