Patient Name: Heather

Procedure: Shoulder Surgery

Location: Sentara RMH

After several delays, not due to the orthopedic staff, I had what is commonly called rotator cuff surgery on August 1, 2019. After the nerve block wore off, I had one day of incredible pain but was off opioids in 12 days. I made a rapid recovery with physical therapy and several checkups.

By mid-September, I was able to drive to Frederick, MD, on one trip, and then to Washington, DC, for another meeting. I also began sorting and packing for an intended move to the Roanoke area. I made weekly house hunting day trips, but COVID-19 set in before I was able to make the move.

Thanks to Patrick Smith and two other physical therapists, and hard work at home, I was also able to return to my previous level of swimming laps by mid-October, 2 weeks earlier than I had anticipated completing therapy. Thanks so much to all who played a part in giving me my life back!